Moses Grissom Wilson Cager Grissom's Father
Born in 1802 in North Carolina, married 1825 in Lauderdale County Al. In the 1830 census it shows Wilson with 2 boys under 5 and 1 girl under 5. One boy was Absolum, born 1825 in Alabama, the other male unindentified, possibly born in TN,. The one female has not been identified.
The 1840 census shows Wilson has having 1 male, under 10, William A. J., 1 male under 15, Absolum, but the other male is gone. Does not mean he is dead but could be living in another household or dead. Show 3 females under 5 and 1 female under 10. The female under 10 has not been indentified or she could be the oldest daughter. Possible the daughter may have died.
The 1850 census was the first to show the names of people in the family instead of just the head. This is first time we can see who is in the family. The unindentified female is no longer with the family. Probably has married. Absolum is living next door to his father. It is possible that the daughter is close by too. But who?
The 1860 census has fewer people in the household as more have married. William A.J.has married a W. E. Craven or VanDyke. Nobody is sure on what her last name is for sure. Mary E. has married Jasper Benson. I believe that her sister, Prudence Willard, married Newton Benson. No proof, except a P. W. was listed in the census married to Newton. It would have been very likely that this is true.
1870 shows Wilson's first wife is gone (dec 1863) and he is married to a Lucinda Gurley. My Great grandfather death certificate shows her name as Lucinda Gurley. They had the one child, my Great grandfather, Wilson Cager Grissom, Jr., born 1868.
Wilson Cager Grissom in Census in 1880 was the last census he was listed in even though he lived until 1893. Lucinda lived until 1910. This census showed his father as being born in England and his mother in NC.
Wilson was a farmer and had his own land. He gave a 50 acres to Absolum. I would assume he may have gave land to my great grandfather, Wilson Jr.
I have not did any research on Christine Smith, Wilson's first wife. I am interested in finding information on her.
Wilson Cager Grissom with Family